Star Wars Rebellion - Review
A Review by RobotSpark
Star Wars Rebellion is a boardgame published in 2016 by Fantasy Flight Games which is set in the middle of the Galactic Civil War. The game is designed asymmetrically, with each faction (the Galactic Empire or the Rebel Alliance) providing a different set of challenges and win conditions - the Imperial player must locate and destroy the Rebel base, while the Rebel player must hold off Imperial forces until they can inspire the Galaxy to take part in a revolt against the Empire, with objectives that can be completed to shorten this time. The game prides itself on its cinematic, asymmetric gameplay - but what do I think of it?
Well, let's see a game I had with someone (who wishes to remain anonymous) where they were the Galactic Empire and I was the Rebel Alliance, so I can explain the mechanics of this game thoroughly.

Probably the most tedious part of this game is the setup and the packup, due to the sheer size of the game. The Imperial Player and I had played this game once before, so all of the tokens were sorted (we still played with the 'first game' rules since it'd been a while since then) and despite that it STILL took a while to set up. To help illustrate the sheer size of this game, here's a picture that shows that the board is made up of TWO separate pieces shoved together.