Meet the Team
Here is a list of all members of the Warden Press, both past and present, sorted by order of joining.

Commissar Jimbo
Name: Commissar Jimbo
Clan(s): 82nd Death Korps Siege Regiment [82DK]

Red Donut
Name: Red Donut
Clan(s): Warden Navy [WN]

Name: So 'Souperior' Peryo
Join Date: 01/26/19
Role: Animator, Artist, Writer
Clan(s): N/A
Bio: He was originally a Velian mental patient due to his unknown mental disorder of a split personality. He made peace with the other person inside of him and escaped the mental institution. He kept on running North just to escape from the country hoping to live a peaceful life with his alter ego but was caught by Wardens who were infiltrating The Great March. He received the life he wanted in the country of Caoiva where a particular commissar took him under his wing. Soup leads the SFM department, being the only animator. He creates renders, videos, and does the occasional drawing or two.

Name: Koedem 'Bubbadeej' Claire
Join Date: 02/11/19
Role: Artist
Clan(s): N/A
Bio: His papers say he was born to a wealthy arms manufacturer in saltbrook. They say he completed officer school at 16 and opted to join the warden press, with support from his families riches. But one glimpse of his face tells you everything you need to know. None of this is true. The Dusk Eyes never lie.

Name: Robert 'RobotSpark' Spark
Join Date: 03/11/19
Role: Writer, Editor, Website Manager, Mapper
Clan(s): 128th Artillery Regiment [128thAR]
Bio: Robert 'RobotSpark' Spark first served as an artillery crewman on a field artillery piece, during the Jade Cove crisis and the waning days of War 19. He was an avid reader of The Eternal Truth, following it closely, before he was inspired to write for the newspaper. He submitted his first story, the Rifle Report for the Weapons of War, which was included in issue 3 of The Eternal Truth. He proceded to continue submitting stories until he was accepted into the team and began to edit and publish articles from scratch. He now manages the Warden Press website, works with Souperior by creating maps in Hammer and writing/storyboarding videos, and continues to write articles for The Eternal Truth.